195. Samuel INHABER Army (1913-1992)
Name: Shmuel bar Chaim haLevi
Died: 1 Tevet 5753
Born: Sep. 1, 1913 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 25, 1992 Burial: Dec. 28, 1992 Age: 79
Father: Hyman Mother: KERSHENFELD, Rose Spouse: BLUMENFELD, Mollye
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
Notes: Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Brother
Record Report ResearchNews Geni
C19 23:144
196. Mollye BLUMENFELD INHABER (1915-1997)
Name: Ester bat Mordechai
Died: 3 Iyyar 5757
Born: Aug. 27, 1915 Montreal, QC Died: May 9, 1997 Burial: May 13, 1997 Age: 81
Spouse: Samuel
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
Notes: Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Sister
Record Report ResearchNews Geni
C19 23:144A

Records shown: 2